Hidup Tapi Seakan Mati

Beberapa waktu lalu, gw pernah ketemu sama temen game gw yang udah 2-3 tahun gak ketemu. Lalu dia berceletuk, "kakak terlihat berbeda sekarang." "Aku gendutan ya sekarang? Ehee." "Bukan. Senyum dan raut wajahnya beda, sekarang seperti banyak yang dipikirkan." Gw cuma bisa senyum tipis, dan nggak bisa mengelak. "Iya, soalnya dulu yang ku pikirkan cuma... Continue Reading →

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A Winner.

"Do you listen to what I say?", I swear I was listening to everything he just explained, but I got distraction. My eyes move to his eyes now, he shows doubt, he knows I spaced out. He pouts, and I need to get focus. He starts to talk again, I try to not look, intrigued,... Continue Reading →

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One Lonely Night

It was past midnight when he and I got out of the bar where we had met up with our friends. It was too late to catch a bus and too dangerous to take a cab. He had had too much to drink that night, so he couldn’t drive me back to my place. Since... Continue Reading →

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To Be Human Again.

A close friend asked me, "What are you looking for? You drag them down to the lowest, but you never give even a little bit of your heart? What are you searching for?" I stayed in silence, then she told me, "you ARE looking for the excitement, aren't you?" I nodded, "I think you already... Continue Reading →

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Withering Love.

I see your back's facing me, sleeping and not moving. I used to hug it so tightly, I used to embrace it whenever I want to. Those city lights from tall buildings on the background decorate the night sky, separated by a wide glass of the window. Blurry because my eyes only focus on your... Continue Reading →

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Pria Yang Datang Dari Mimpi

Melupakan seseorang untuk sekali lagi, dan menghapusnya seperti layaknya dia tak hadir di hidup, ternyata menyisakan pedih tersendiri. Tak ada yang tahu dia ada, Tak ada yang pernah menyaksikan kehadirannya, Tak ada jejak sekecil apapun tertinggal. Bagaikan tulisan di atas pasir yang terhapus buih ombak air laut, Bagaikan asap pesawat jet yang kian lama kian... Continue Reading →

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Taking A Chance

I’ve been watching you from this bed, you move around the room, reading some books, analyzing the weather outside, asking me whether I want a coffee or tea. If you don’t mind, I prefer you. I’ve been pretending to read this magazine for a while, actually I’ve been busy taking off your clothes, in my... Continue Reading →

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The Reflection Of You

We stand here in front of this office window, try to talk about something you don't wanna talk about and I don't wanna hear the explanation. I sip my coffee, I feel warm on my both hands. You don't wanna look at me, you look at the sky as it gets darker. "It's gonna rain... Continue Reading →

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Get up in the morning.

Hello again after all the drama I had this year. I'll tell you later when I have time about this. But now I wanna tell this one story about me lately. You might wonder why I always am late to work. You might tell me to sleep early and wake up early, so I can... Continue Reading →

Dead Conversation

So, am gonna write this here right now. A lot has been happened in my life this year, the pandemic makes us look through every aspect of our life, self-reflection. I've been doing this, the up and the down. New illness, new project, new challenge. I tried to not get shocked about it all. It... Continue Reading →

Diary: Menulis Novel (3) – “Not In Love”

Alhamdulillah saya panjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah swt atas berkah-Nya yang melimpah dalam kehidupan saya yang gak berguna ini (loh kok jadi curhat). Sebenernya saya mau menyampaikan bahwa sekarang saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan label musik (trus?), nah bekerja di tempat ini sangatlah 'challenging' karena keluar dari comfort zone  yang cuma ngitung uang di depan... Continue Reading →


Malam sudah semakin larut, Elisa bolak-balik mengintip jam tangannya, dan mengecek pintu keluar cafe, jaga-jaga jika Rais kembali dari merokok di luar sana. Perempuan berkacamata tersebut tak bisa meninggalkan tempat duduknya dan menghampiri kekasihnya karena dia sedang ditengah-tengah acara reuni SMA. "Elisa, mana kok pacarnya gak di bawa?", tanya Rere salah satu teman dekatnya saat... Continue Reading →

Diary: Kompetisi Blog (1) – “ASUS AMD Laptop For Everyone”

"Cuy, ada game baru nih, main yuk!", itulah kata-kata yang selalu teman-teman saya lontarkan, namun saya selalu ketinggalan keseruan mereka bermain game. Kenapa? ya apalagi kalau bukan laptop saya yang spesifikasinya gak memadai. Kalaupun dipaksa ya pasti nge-lag patah-patah gitu kayak goyang dangdut. Laptop gaming dengan harga yang melambung membuat saya masih mengurungkan niat untuk membeli... Continue Reading →

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